Astra Templates homepage

Layout Settings

In this area, one can manage layout of the website container, header, blog, archives, single pages, posts, sidebar & footer.

Header Options

Astra comes with several header layouts built-in. The Pro addon extends the possibilities and adds more features further.

Customizer settings back-end options

Colors & Typography

Set colors & fonts easily! We understand it's important to be able to set fonts & colors that integrate with your brand.

Blog & Archives

Control design of your blog posts & archive pages with neat options in the customizer. Manage width, content and even meta.

Full & Seamless Integration With Your Favorite Tools

Elementor and Beaver Builder
Woo-commerce and Learn Dash
Toolset and Yoast
Astra - Custom Layouts with Gutenberg Editor
Gutenberg WordPress page builder


Speed Grade

Google Developers


Speed Grade

GT Metrix


Load Time



Speed Grade

Astra Starter Template Screen
Header footer builder img
Simply drag and drop elements and position them as required to design your website’s header and footer.
You get what you see! Get a live preview of the header or footer while you build and design it as per your needs.
Customizing headers and footers haven’t been this easy! You simply click on an element and play around with its style.