LearnDash – Astra https://wpastra.com Fast, Lightweight & Customizable WordPress Theme for Any Website Wed, 02 Mar 2022 12:28:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.3 https://wpastra.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/favicon-astra2x.png LearnDash – Astra https://wpastra.com 32 32 Astra Compatibility with LearnDash Version 3.0 https://wpastra.com/docs/astra-compatibility-with-learndash-3-0/ Thu, 20 Jun 2019 18:30:00 +0000 https://wpastra.com/?post_type=docs&p=38341 Astra Compatibility with LearnDash Version 3.0 Read More »

The following article will help you get an overview of LearnDash – Overview of LearnDash integration in Astra

Recently LearnDash released version 3.0 with major improvements. In this version, few new things were added while few of the previous structures were changed.

LearnDash Legacy mode

In case you still wish to continue with the previous version you can select a Legacy mode –

You can find the settings under WordPress Dashboard > LearnDash LMS > Settings > General > Design & Content Elements > Active Template.

LearnDash Legacy Mode

When you choose Legacy mode Astra will continue working as it was previously. Astra adds LearnDash settings in the customizer under –

1. Customizer > LearnDash

Astra LearnDash Settings , Astra 3.0+

2. Customizer > LearnDash > Colors [Astra Pro]
3. Customizer > LearnDash > Typography [Astra Pro]

LearnDash Color and Typography, Astra 3.0+

Below are the related documents –

LearnDash Integration in Astra Theme
LearnDash integration in Astra Pro

LearnDash 3.0 mode

You can switch to the LearnDash 3.0 template from WordPress Dashboard > LearnDash LMS > Settings > General > Design & Content Elements > Active Template. This will enable all the new LearnDash features on your site.

Astra theme and Astra Pro – version 1.8.6 and above, can work seamlessly with LearnDash 3.0 version. Astra disabled a few of the settings that were dependent on LearnDash previously and that are no longer usable. Also, LearnDash 3.0 provided some new attractive features that were available with Astra before. We removed such duplicate options too as we do not want to bloat your site with identical options.

Below are some settings that you will find disabled from Astra customizer –

1. Customizer > LearnDash – This tab held a few layout options for LearnDash pages. Like –

1.1 Distraction Free Learning: LearnDash 3.0 has a similar feature – Focus Mode. ( LearnDash LMS > Settings > General )

LearnDash Focus Mode, Astra 3.0+

Note: The Astra Meta Settings will not work when the Focus Mode of LearnDash is enabled.

1.2 Student’s Gravatar in Primary Header: Enabling Focus Mode will add Student’s Gravatar by default.

LearnDash Gravatar, Astra 3.0+

1.3 Course Content Table: LearnDash 3.0 doesn’t support table structure anymore. All tables are now converted into fields.

2. Customizer > LearnDash > Colors [Astra Pro] – This tab will be available in the customizer with new color options. We will see all the new options in the later part of this document.

3. Customizer > LearnDash > Typography [Astra Pro] – This tab will be disabled. Previously typography options were available for LearnDash Tables. Since the table structure will not be available these settings are no longer usable. LearnDash pages will inherit typography from Customizer > Global > Typography > Base Typography.

New Colors & Background options for LearnDash 3.0 with Astra Pro

LearnDash 3.0 provides basic colors options under WordPress Dashboard > LearnDash LMS > Settings > General > Design & Content Elements. Below are the available settings with LearnDash –

  • Accent Color: This will be a base color for the LearnDash pages. It will be applied to – buttons, action items, and highlights
  • Progress Color: Color used for all successful progress-related items (completed items, certificates, and progress bars).
  • Notifications, Warnings, etc.: This color is used when there are a warning, important messages.
LearnDash 3.0 Color options, Astra 3.0+

With Astra Pro, it provides more specific color options for your LearnDash pages. These will be available in the customizer under Customizer > LearnDash.

Note: Make sure you have activated LearnDash addon from Appearance > Astra Options.

In color settings, you will see a checkbox saying – Check this if you wish to overwrite LearnDash Colors. This will allow you to apply Astra colors over the above LearnDash colors.

Overwrite LearnDash Colors, Astra 3.0+
  • Link Color: This will be applied to links on LearnDash pages, lesson panels, etc.
  • Highlight Color: This will work as a background for buttons, highlighted tabs, hovered text/link, etc.
  • Highlight Text Color: It will work with the above highlight background color as well as text color for progress items.
  • Progress Color: Progress bars, completed items, certificates will have this as the background color.
Astra Pro Colors for LearnDash, Astra 3.0+

We provide more styling options in dedicated modules of Astra Pro Addon plugin. Learn more about the LearnDash module of Astra Pro Addon.

Overview of LearnDash Integration in Astra Theme https://wpastra.com/docs/learndash-integration-overview/ Tue, 06 Mar 2018 18:30:00 +0000 https://wpastra.com/?post_type=docs&p=25163 Overview of LearnDash Integration in Astra Theme Read More »

UPDATE — This article only applies to the Legacy theme that LearnDash offers. If you wish to use LearnDash 3.0, we have an update, you can read the announcement post to know the changes we’ve done in the Astra theme and also go through the knowledge base article to use Astra with LearnDash 3.0.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at the key highlights and options you will find for LearnDash in the free version of Astra. To see extra options and features you can get with Astra Pro, please refer this article.

Integration Highlights:

Easily Customizable

Astra is fast, flexible starter theme which means you can use it to build any kind of website. Out of the box, it comes with simple, minimalist design. Users can tweak it from intuitive settings in Live Customizer to achieve desired results.

Optimized UI

LearnDash is a great LMS Platform. But it’s UI leaves a lot to be desired on it’s own. So on popular demand, Astra theme has designed an integration with LearnDash to give it a modern, clean design and interface.

Uniform Design

Astra + LearnDash not only look great together; but uniformed as well. LearnDash takes colors, fonts and style set in the Customizer options of Astra theme.


Because, a picture is a worth thousand words! Click on any image below to open a gallery of some screenshots:

Dedicated Settings for LearnDash

We have provided dedicated design options for LearnDash, so users can achieve make customizations easily without custom code. Some basic options are provided in the Astra free theme, where as more advanced customization options are available from Astra Pro Addon.

Options in Astra Theme

For all single course pages, topics, lessons and quizzes — you can have a different container layout.

LearnDash Boxed Layout, Astra 3.0+

Astra provides you control so you can choose the position of sidebar on LearnDash pages.

LearnDash Enable Sidebar, Astra 3.0+

Table of Contents:
Beautify the LearnDash Table of Contents easily with dedicated options. The “Display Serial Number” option helps you enable or disable the serial numbers for the table rows; and “Differentiate Rows” option will style even odd rows a bit differently with different background colors for better UX.

LearnDash Table of Contents, Astra 3.0+

More Options and Features with Astra Pro

Astra Pro extension for the free Astra theme takes the integration with LearnDash to the next step. It offers amazing options such as Distraction Free Learning, student’s Gravatar in header, more controls for design of course contents table and much more.

We provide more styling options in dedicated modules of Astra Pro Addon plugin. Learn more about the LearnDash module of Astra Pro Addon.
