Colors & Background – Astra Fast, Lightweight & Customizable WordPress Theme for Any Website Mon, 28 Mar 2022 07:46:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Colors & Background – Astra 32 32 Enhancement: Applying Content Background to Full-Width Layouts Thu, 03 Mar 2022 10:30:57 +0000 Enhancement: Applying Content Background to Full-Width Layouts Read More »

Currently, you might have noticed the Site Background Color is appearing as Background Color for Full-Width Content layouts.

As per the feedback from users and our designer’s request we have modified these settings.

Now, the Content Background color will work for Full-width contained & stretched layouts as well. But, only in the case of Full Width & Fluid Site layouts.

Astra Content Background Color

For old users, please use the below code to apply this change. (For new users this will work on your environment without any changes or code):

add_filter( 'astra_get_option_apply-content-background-fullwidth-layouts', '__return_true' );

If you don’t have your Child Theme installed, please check this article on how to do it.

If you are not sure how to add this code, please check this article.

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How to Add Background Images? Wed, 11 Apr 2018 18:30:00 +0000 How to Add Background Images? Read More »

Astra version 1.3.0 and above provides a feature to add background images to various sections of the site.

You can enhance the design of the Body, Header, Content, Sidebar, and  Footer of your website with this option. In addition to the previous background color option now you can see the background image option as well.

Where can I find the option?

From your WordPress dashboard navigate to Appearance > Customize and under various areas, you will find settings to upload background images

Where can I add a background image to Astra theme?

With Astra theme, you get an option to add a  background image to following areas-

Background image for Astra Pro Modules

In addition to Body, Footer Widgets, Footer Bar section, you get an option for following modules of Astra Pro –

Options for Background Image

Background image option allows you to choose an image from media library or you can upload a new file. After uploading the image, click on More Settings option. Now you can set following  CSS properties for the image –

  • Repeat
  • Background Image Position
  • Background Size
  • Background Attachment

You can adjust the background color overlay with color picker. A nice transparent layer of color above image will enhance the background image design.

 Important Notes:

  1. After adding a background image, make sure to adjust the opacity of background color with color picker.
  2. Background applied to the body will not be visible for Full Width/ Stretched – Container Layout as in this layout width of the container is stretched to the fullest.
Colors & Background Module Mon, 26 Feb 2018 18:30:00 +0000 Colors & Background Module Read More »

Design and Aesthetics are essential parts of any website. With that, the Astra theme already comes with modern and various color options. If you want to expand your options, however, the Colors & Background addon with the Astra Pro plugin can give you more control and options to your theme.

Astra Pro - Heading Color, Astra 3.0+

This premium feature is available with the Astra Pro plugin. So in order to use this addon, you need to have the Astra theme installed along with the actual Astra Pro plugin.

Astra theme (free) gives some basic color options. While Colors & Background Module with Astra Pro plugin adds more options in the customizer.

Here are steps to activate the add on and explore the premium settings – 

Step 1 –  Make sure you have the Astra Pro and WooCommerce plugin installed and activated. 

Step 2 – Activate the addon from Appearance > Astra Options >  Colors & Background.

Astra Colors Background Addon Activation

Step 3 –  After activating, the module will add additional color options for various sections in the customizer ( Appearance > Customize ). 

Below is the detailed list where you can see newly added color options in the Customizer:

  • Global > Colors > Content
  • Header > Site Identity
  • Header > Primary Header
  • Header > Primary Menu
  • Blog > Blog / Archive
  • Blog > Single Post
  • Sidebar

1. Global Colors

The Astra theme itself provides basic global color options as mentioned here. In addition to this, the addon will also enable the following options – 

  • Content Background – With this, you can add a background image and color to the container, i.e., any area where you add text.
  • Headings – You can set colors for each heading, H1 to H6, from one place.
  • You will also find the responsive option enabled for the Content Background.

Note: Content Background will be visible only with Boxed and Content Boxed container layout.

Astra Pro - Image Background, Astra 3.0+

2. Header

Separate color options will be available under the Header tab for –

  • Site Identity- Enable displaying site title/tagline and you will observe color options.
  • Primary Header- Set background and color for your header.
  • Primary Menu- Set colors to the menu and submenus on normal, hover (color of the menu item when pointer moves over it), and active mode (color of the menu item that is currently active – the page you’re currently viewing).
Astra Pro - Primary Menu Colors, Astra 3.0+

3. Blog

  • Blog / Archive – Along with the post title and meta, this will add color options for the Archive Summary Box. This box will appear on an archive page like categories, where the title and the description of the archive page will appear.
Astra Pro - Blog Color Settings, Astra 3.0+

4. Sidebar

You’ll get color options for your sidebar.

Astra Pro - Sidebar Background Color, Astra 3.0+

You can even manage the Sidebar’s Title Color, Text Color, Link Color along with the Background options.

Astra Pro - Sidebar Title Color, Astra 3.0+