Astra Pro Modules – Astra Fast, Lightweight & Customizable WordPress Theme for Any Website Mon, 28 Mar 2022 07:55:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Astra Pro Modules – Astra 32 32 Enhancement: Applying Content Background to Full-Width Layouts Thu, 03 Mar 2022 10:30:57 +0000 Enhancement: Applying Content Background to Full-Width Layouts Read More »

Currently, you might have noticed the Site Background Color is appearing as Background Color for Full-Width Content layouts.

As per the feedback from users and our designer’s request we have modified these settings.

Now, the Content Background color will work for Full-width contained & stretched layouts as well. But, only in the case of Full Width & Fluid Site layouts.

Astra Content Background Color

For old users, please use the below code to apply this change. (For new users this will work on your environment without any changes or code):

add_filter( 'astra_get_option_apply-content-background-fullwidth-layouts', '__return_true' );

If you don’t have your Child Theme installed, please check this article on how to do it.

If you are not sure how to add this code, please check this article.

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What To Do When Product Count Is Not Visible on Mini Cart With Astra Pro? Thu, 30 Sep 2021 13:05:47 +0000 What To Do When Product Count Is Not Visible on Mini Cart With Astra Pro? Read More »

Did you notice that the product count on WooCommerce or EDD mini cart in your Header is not visible? You might need to modify the Product Count Color for your Astra Pro mini cart icons (any but the default). This document will show you how to do it.

Why Did This Happen? 

Astra Pro WooCommerce and EDD Modules bring the option to change the default mini cart icon. You can set one of the Astra Pro icons by navigating to the Mini Cart Header element (General tab).

Mini Cart With Astra Pro

By default, the font color for the number of items in the cart (Product Count) is white. Setting your Cart color to white too will create a situation that the number of items becomes invisible though the number is still actually there (white color on white color).

Product Count Is Not Visible on Mini Cart

This is easily solved by setting product Count Color to any color other than white.

How To Set Product Count Color?

In this case, you should additionally set another color for the number of items using the “Count Color” option.

The “Count Color” is available with Astra Pro Addon since version 3.5.9. You can set it up by following these steps:

Step 1 – Login to your website and make sure that your Astra Pro Addon plugin is active;

Step 2 – Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Header Builder > Cart > Design;

Step 3 – Set “Count Color” to another color. Click “Publish” to save changes.

Product Count Color
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How to Add Elementor Template to the Mega Menu? Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:59:10 +0000 How to Add Elementor Template to the Mega Menu? Read More »

You can create a Mega Menu with the Astra Theme and Astra Pro Addon. Furthermore, you can also use Templates for your mega menu instead or in combination with your textual menu items (links).

This document will show you how to add a template with WooCommerce product categories to your mega menu, using Elementor (free) and the Astra Pro Nav Menu module.


This solution is used for adding the Elementor template to the default header provided by the Astra theme. Please remember that this works only with Astra’s default header and Astra Pro Nav Menu module. If you are using the Elementor header instead, this solution will not be applicable.

Please follow these steps:

Step 1 – Make sure that you have the Elementor plugin and Astra Pro Addon installed and active. Also, make sure Nav Menu Module is activated in Astra Settings.

Step 2 – Navigate to Dashboard > Templates > Add New.

Step 3 – In the dropdown menu, choose “Section”, name your template (this can be any name; we used “Mega Menu Item 1”), and click “Create Template”. This will create your new template and open an Elementor editor.

Astra Pro - Nav Menu, Create Elementor Template

Step 4 – In Elementor editor, add a “Section” and the “Shortcode” widget. Add the following WooCommerce code to the shortcode widget:

[product_categories number=”4″ columns=”4″ hide_empty=”0″ orderby=”name” order=”desc”]

This is the WooCommerce shortcode. You can find out more about it and possible variations in this article.

Astra Pro - Nav Menu, Add Shortcode, Astra 3.0+

Using the Elementor Pro, you can use the Elementor “Product Categories” widget instead of the Shortcode widget.

Click “Publish” to save your template.

Step 5 – Now, it’s time to create a mega menu. To do this, navigate to Appearance > Menus. Expand the menu item under which you want to add a mega menu by clicking on it (we named this item “Background Image”).

Step 6 – Click on the “Astra Menu Settings” button, and tick the checkbox for the Enable mega menu option. This will create a mega menu under this item. You can also style your mega menu in this step (width, padding, etc.)

Step 7 – Next, add a new menu item (we named it “Shop by Categories”) under the mega menu and click on the “Astra Menu Settings” button.

Astra Pro - Nav Menu, Add Mega Menu Item, Astra 3,0+

Step 8 – In the Content Source dropdown menu, select the “Template” option. In the Template field, type in the name of your template and select it from the list. Click “Save” to add this template to your menu item.

Astra Pro - Nav Menu, Add Template, Astra 3,0+

And here’s how it’ll look on the front end.


We have provided Astra’s default CSS to fall back to Menu colors for all text in the template that doesn’t have color stylings assigned from the template.

So we recommend applying styles from the template as per your design needs.

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How to Remove Border Around the Cart? (Issue After Updating to Astra 3.4) Thu, 13 May 2021 07:33:06 +0000 How to Remove Border Around the Cart? (Issue After Updating to Astra 3.4) Read More »

After updating Astra to version 3.4, are you observing a border around the WooCommerce or EDD cart in the Header, though it wasn’t previously set? Just like shown in the screenshot –

Cart Border Issue Astra

If yes, this article will help you understand why it is happening and how to fix it –


One of the changes that came with Astra theme version 3.4.0 was – Deprecated the Cart Style ‘None’ & merged it with the existing option ‘Outline’ for WooCommerce and EDD.

What does this mean?

Astra offers an option to add cart in the header. When you add cart, you will observe styling options under Design tab.

Prior to version 3.4, cart had three styling options – None, Outline and Fill. With Astra 3.4, ‘None’ option was deprecated and was merged with ‘Outline’ style. This style adds a border around the cart. So if you have set cart style to none, it will be replaced with outline and will add a border around cart.

This is why you see border around the cart as you update Astra to 3.4

How to fix?

Astra Pro version 3.4.2 comes with a solution for this by providing a new ‘Border Width’ option for the Cart element. With this new option, you will be able to set the width of your Cart border, as well as remove it.

So if you wish to remove this border just set width to zero.

Remove Cart Border Astra

You can visit customizer and go to Header Builder > Cart > Design > Style > Border Width and set it zero.


1. Make sure to update the Astra theme to version 3.4.3 and Astra Pro to version 3.4.2 to use the new cart border option.
2. Only Astra Pro users might face this issue of a cart border. Free Astra users won’t face this issue.

Inside Page/Post Content Custom Layouts Mon, 15 Mar 2021 18:05:36 +0000 Inside Page/Post Content Custom Layouts Read More »

You can insert any content inside Gutenberg Page/Post with Astra Pro’s Custom Layout module. Design your custom layout and display it at any location on selected Gutenberg pages/posts.

With this feature, you can design a layout in one place and display it on multiple pages/posts. This is useful for displaying the same information on different posts/pages to attract users. You can use this for CTAs, attractive sales offers, special discounts, important information, and so on.

You can completely customize the layout and easily put it on any page/post at the selected location.

Let’s see how this option works. Before we start, make sure to have the Astra Pro plugin is activated.

Add Inside Post/Page Content Layout

Step 1 – In the dashboard, visit Appearance > Astra Options and activate the Custom Layouts module;

Activate Custom Layouts Module

Step 2 – Next, navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Custom Layouts and click on the “Add New” button;

Add New Custom Layout

Step 3 – You will see the Custom Layout Type selection pop-up. Here, select the “Inside Post/Page Content” option.

Select the Custom Layout Type

Step 4 – Now, you can design a layout that you want to display on Gutenberg pages/posts. Further, you can design it with the Block Editor, Elementor, or Beaver Builder.

Add Content to Inside Content Layout

Inside Pages/Posts Layout Options

If you click on the Astra icon in the top right corner, you will open the Custom Layouts Setting panel. Further down, you will find the overview of the Inside Pages/Posts Layout Type options.

Custom Layout Settings

Location Settings

You will observe two options under Location on the post/page

  1. After a certain number of blocks – This option will allow you to display your custom layout after the selected number of blocks on the Gutenberg page/post. Further, you also get an option to enter – Block Number. Here you can set the number of blocks after which your custom layout can display.
Option to display custom layout after a certain number of blocks
  1. Before certain number of Heading blocks – This option will allow you to display your custom layout before the selected number of Heading blocks on the page/post. Note that only native Gutenberg heading blocks and heading added with the UAG plugin will be considered. Further, you also get an option to enter – Heading Block Number. Here you can set the number of Heading blocks before which your custom layout can display.
Option to display custom layout before a certain number of blocks

To illustrate, you can check the example below:

Inside Content Layout added to a Post

Display And User Role Settings

Next, you can set exact pages/posts where you want your inside pages/posts content to be used. Thus, you need to adjust Display and User Rule Settings.

Inside Content Layout Display Settings

To do this, click on the “Display On” option dropdown and select the required display locations. In addition, you can exclude some locations using the “Do Not Display On” option.

If you wish to restrict this custom layout visibility to some user roles only, you can do so with the User Roles option.

Responsive Visibility

This option lets you choose a device to display the custom layout. Just tick the checkbox for required devices – Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile.

Inside Content Layout Responsive Visiblity

Time Duration Settings

You can set a start time and end time for layout visibility. Set a date and time duration for the layout.

The layout will be visible for the selected duration.

Inside Content Layout Time Duration


Unable to find “No Toggle” Menu Style? Tue, 28 Jul 2020 03:43:23 +0000 Unable to find “No Toggle” Menu Style? Read More »

From the update of Astra Addon 2.6.0, we’re deprecating the No Toggle menu style.

For existing users

Those who have already set No Toggle menu style –

  1. The style will be active, and won’t have any effect.
  2. But as soon as, user change menu style to anything else ( Fullscreen / Flyout / Dropdown ) the No Toggle menu style will be removed from their end.

For new users –

By default this style won’t be visible for selection.

And if in case, you want to get back the No toggle menu style, here is a filter for this –

add_filter( 'astra_no_toggle_menu_style_deprecate', '__return_true' );
Header Improvements in Astra! Tue, 28 Jul 2020 03:37:55 +0000 Header Improvements in Astra! Read More »



Below are the classes that would not work over Astra’s 3.0 release. We are updating the classes shortly.

In this update of Astra theme v2.5.0 and Astra Pro Addon v2.6.0, we bring the following changes –

  1. [ Deprecated ] – We are pulling the plug on the No Toggle Menu Style
  1. [ NEW ] Adding a new Mega Menu Width option – Full Width Stretched
  1. [ UPDATE ] :- Following are the selectors which are updated in this release –

Header selectors in Addon

Header selectors in Addon -

Normal Header -

    Primary Header -
        - CSS Prefix                                = .main-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .main-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .main-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .main-header-menu .menu-item .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .main-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .main-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

    Above Header -
        - CSS Prefix                                = .ast-above-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .ast-above-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .ast-above-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

    Below Header -
        - CSS Prefix                                = .ast-below-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .ast-below-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .ast-below-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

Transparent Header - 

    Primary Header -    
        - CSS Prefix                                = .ast-transparent-header .main-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .ast-transparent-header .main-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .ast-transparent-header .main-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .ast-transparent-header .main-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .ast-transparent-header .main-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .ast-transparent-header .main-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

    Above Header -
        - CSS Prefix                                = .ast-transparent-header .ast-above-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .ast-transparent-header .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .ast-transparent-header .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .ast-transparent-header .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .ast-transparent-header .ast-above-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .ast-transparent-header .ast-above-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

    Below Header -
        - CSS Prefix                                = .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

Page Header -

    Primary Header - 
        - CSS Prefix                                = .ast-advanced-headers .main-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .ast-advanced-headers .main-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .ast-advanced-headers .main-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .ast-advanced-headers .main-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .ast-advanced-headers .main-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .ast-advanced-headers .main-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

    Above Header - 
        - CSS Prefix                                = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-above-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-above-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-above-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

    Below Header - 
        - CSS Prefix                                = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-below-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-below-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = .ast-advanced-headers .ast-below-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

Sticky Header -

    Primary Header -
        - CSS Prefix                                = #ast-fixed-header .main-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = #ast-fixed-header .main-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = #ast-fixed-header .main-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = #ast-fixed-header .main-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = #ast-fixed-header .main-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = #ast-fixed-header .main-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link
    Above Header -
        - CSS Prefix                                = #ast-fixed-header .ast-above-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = #ast-fixed-header .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = #ast-fixed-header .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = #ast-fixed-header .ast-above-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = #ast-fixed-header .ast-above-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = #ast-fixed-header .ast-above-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

    Below Header -
        - CSS Prefix                                = #ast-fixed-header .ast-below-header-menu
        - For menu li                               = #ast-fixed-header .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item
        - For menu li -> current menu item          = #ast-fixed-header .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item.current-menu-item
        - For menu li -> anchors                    = #ast-fixed-header .ast-below-header-menu .menu-item > .menu-link
        - For menu li inside sub-menu               = #ast-fixed-header .ast-below-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-item
        - For menu anchors inside sub-menu          = #ast-fixed-header .ast-below-header-menu .sub-menu .menu-link

PS: For specifically desktop view and for higher weightage of CSS you can use .ast-desktop selector as prefix and similarly for responsive view you can add selector .ast-header-break-point.
Eg- The above CSS will work as follows - .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu
For Desktop - .ast-desktop .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu
For Mobile  - .ast-header-break-point .ast-transparent-header .ast-below-header-menu


If in any case the above selector or CSS not working for you, try by higher specificity for that CSS selector.

Following are the Improvement and Fixes we have introduced from this update –


  • Gutenberg + UAG support in Mega Menu templates
  • Reusable Blocks support in Mega Menu Templates
  • Lowered weightage, and Optimized CSS now loading for all header
  • Removed extra CSS from headers


  • Menu template’s CTA buttons getting full widths.
  • Mega Menu colors not applying properly when any Template is used inside Mega Menu.
  • Mega Menu not working on Above and Below Headers in some cases.
  • Merge menu case not working with Primary hiding last menu item.
  • Menu container width mega menu not working when the primary menu is disabled.
  • Mega Menu Column heading color not working for Above Header & Below Header.
  • Related products CSS not working properly when using Elementor pro related products for WooCommerce.
  • Elementor popups are not working in the mega menu.
  • Elementor template’s anchor links inside mega menu not working.
  • Background image from Primary Header not inheriting in Sticky Header.
  • Sticky header color not reflecting when we select animation style as ‘none’.
  • Left padding missing for submenu in mobile devices.
  • Every mega menu template’s link showing submenu arrow on responsive devices.
  • Font-size of Above Header submenus works alternately for tablet & mobile.
Set Parallax Effect on Responsive Devices with Page Header Wed, 12 Feb 2020 08:05:17 +0000 Set Parallax Effect on Responsive Devices with Page Header Read More »

We have an improvement for the Page Header addon you will now be able to set the Parallax Effect on responsive devices too.

You will find the new option under the same section of Page Header. Now you will instead find the options to enable the Parallax on specific devices where you want to display the Parallax effect.

The main reason we have implemented this option?

  • Some images do not appear properly with the Parallax effect on responsive devices like mobile phones. In such cases, users can disable the parallax effect on Mobile and vice versa.

The New select option contains the following choices

  1. None = Disable Parallax across all devices.
  2. Desktop + Mobile = Enable parallax on both the devices.
  3. Desktop = Enable parallax on just Desktop ( Disable on mobile )
  4. Mobile = Enable parallax on just Mobile ( Disable on Desktop )

How to Enable the Parallax Effect on Responsive Devices?

  1. Create a new Page Header.
  2. Now, In their settings, You will notice that the old option ( checkbox ) to enable Parallax has been replaced with the new option ( Dropdown ).
Astra New Parallax Effect Settings

Note: We have also taken care of the Existing and New Users with this Improvement.

For existing users:

We will migrate the already set values, so if the user had the option enabled, it will work as it is and the parallax effect will be enabled after updating to 2.2.5 or above.

Users will now be able to select the Options from the responsive devices as per their requirement.

For new users:

By default, the Parallax will be set to None and it can be changed as required for the responsive devices.

Display Settings of Custom Layouts in Astra Pro Fri, 06 Dec 2019 10:05:06 +0000 Display Settings of Custom Layouts in Astra Pro Read More »

Custom Layouts module is available with Astra Pro and allows you to add different types of custom content. In addition, for each layout, you can set display settings. Here, you can set Custom Layouts (same as Page Headers) to be displayed only under specific conditions.

Display and User Role Settings

To access display settings, follow these simple steps:

Step 1 – Start editing your Custom Layout;

Step 2 – Click on the Astra icon in the top right corner to open the Custom Layout Settings panel;

Display and User Role Settings

Step 3 – Next, click on “Display and User Role Settings“. Now, you can edit display settings in the popup.

Display Settings

With display settings, you can achieve great flexibility in displaying your custom content throughout your website.

Astra Custom Layouts Visibility Settings

You can start with the “Display On” option. Here, you can select specific locations or locations where your custom layout will be displayed. Thus, you can select an entire website, a group of pages or posts, or a specific target.

Display On Settings

In addition, you can combine this with the “Do Not Display On” option. Hence, you can add exclusion rules and remove your Custom Layout on some locations while still visible on all others.

Do Not Display On Settings

Further, you can limit Custom Layouts to be displayed only for specific types of users with the “User Roles” option. In other words, you can show different layouts depending on whether users are logged in or not. Also, you can show different content or hide some content depending on the user roles assigned.

User Roles Settings

Finally, these can also be combined with the rest of the visibility settings:

  • Responsive Visibility – You can choose on which devices you want to display your layouts. This will imporve your website’s repsonsivness;
  • Time Duration – You can select start and the end date for the period during which you want your custom layout to be visible. You can use this option perfectly for different notifications or seasonal content.

Displaying Locations

Below, we listed locations available for the “Display On” and “Do Not Display On” options, with their descriptions:


  • Entire Website: Your laouts will show on all pages, post, CPTs, singulars, archives, search, 404;
  • All Singulars: You can limit the layout to all single posts/pages;
  • All Archives: Also, you can decide to use your layout specificaly for your achives – Monthly, Category, Tag, Author, Search.

Special Pages

  • 404 Page: On the page shown when a page doesn’t exist on your site.
  • Search Page: On the page that displays search results.
  • Blog / Posts Page: On the Blog Archive Page, which is set as the Posts page and lists all blogs on your site.
  • Front Page: On the page that is set as a Home page.
  • Date Archive: On the Archive page for date, where posts are filtered based on date.
  • Author Archive: On the Archive page for the author. Posts by a particular author will be listed here.


  • All Posts: On all blog posts (Single Post)
  • All Posts Archive: On all posts archive pages (for example, all posts published by the same author)
  • All Categories Archive: On all post category archive pages
  • All Tags Archive: On all post tag archives


  • All Pages: On all pages

Specific Target

  • Specific Pages / Posts / Taxonomies, etc.: Only on a specific places (for example only one post or page)
How to Remove Page Header Title? Fri, 01 Nov 2019 06:26:01 +0000 How to Remove Page Header Title? Read More »

You might ever have a requirement, where you needed to remove Page Header Title. And previously the only option was to hide the same using custom CSS.

We are providing two filters. One to remove the Page Header Title and another one to add the Page Title in the Content Area.

Astra Page Header Title

Let’s dive into both the cases and see the filter on how it will work –

Case 1:

How to remove Page Header Title which appears on top of the image. Here, you can remove the Page Header Title on all single pages, archive pages, and posts. Alternatively, you can remove Page Header Title only from single pages (the title will still be visible on archive pages and posts), from all pages (but not posts), or only from your Home page.

Solution 1: You will need to add the following filter, to remove the Page Header Title on all single pages, archive pages, and posts:

add_filter( 'astra_advanced_header_title', 'remove_page_header_title' );
function remove_page_header_title() {

Solution 2: You will need to add the following filter, to remove the Page Header Title only from single pages:

add_filter( 'astra_advanced_header_title', 'page_header_title_disable' ); 
function page_header_title_disable( $title ) { 
  if ( is_page() ) {
    $title = false;
  return $title;

Solution 3: You will need to add the following filter, to remove the Page Header Title from all pages but leave it on all posts:

add_filter( 'astra_advanced_header_title', 'page_header_title_disable' );
function page_header_title_disable( $title ) {
if ( is_singular( 'page' ) || is_archive() ) {
$title = false;
return $title;

Solution 4: You will need to add the following filter, to remove the Page Header Title only from the Home page:

add_filter( 'astra_advanced_header_title', 'page_header_title_disable' );

function page_header_title_disable( $title ) {
if ( is_front_page() || is_home() ) {
$title = false;
return $title;


To use one of the above-mentioned codes, just copy, and paste it in the child theme’s functions.php file.

Case 2:

After removing the Page Header from the Top Banner, we will need to add the title in the below content area.

Solution: Let’s see the filter you will need to add the title to the content area –

add_filter( 'astra_the_title_enabled', 'display_page_title', 999 );
function display_page_title() {
  return true;


Paste the above code in the child theme’s functions.php file.

This is how you can remove the Page Header Title and add the Title in the content section.

Astra Page Header Content Section