Nav Menu – Astra Fast, Lightweight & Customizable WordPress Theme for Any Website Wed, 23 Feb 2022 21:27:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nav Menu – Astra 32 32 How to Add Elementor Template to the Mega Menu? Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:59:10 +0000 How to Add Elementor Template to the Mega Menu? Read More »

You can create a Mega Menu with the Astra Theme and Astra Pro Addon. Furthermore, you can also use Templates for your mega menu instead or in combination with your textual menu items (links).

This document will show you how to add a template with WooCommerce product categories to your mega menu, using Elementor (free) and the Astra Pro Nav Menu module.


This solution is used for adding the Elementor template to the default header provided by the Astra theme. Please remember that this works only with Astra’s default header and Astra Pro Nav Menu module. If you are using the Elementor header instead, this solution will not be applicable.

Please follow these steps:

Step 1 – Make sure that you have the Elementor plugin and Astra Pro Addon installed and active. Also, make sure Nav Menu Module is activated in Astra Settings.

Step 2 – Navigate to Dashboard > Templates > Add New.

Step 3 – In the dropdown menu, choose “Section”, name your template (this can be any name; we used “Mega Menu Item 1”), and click “Create Template”. This will create your new template and open an Elementor editor.

Astra Pro - Nav Menu, Create Elementor Template

Step 4 – In Elementor editor, add a “Section” and the “Shortcode” widget. Add the following WooCommerce code to the shortcode widget:

[product_categories number=”4″ columns=”4″ hide_empty=”0″ orderby=”name” order=”desc”]

This is the WooCommerce shortcode. You can find out more about it and possible variations in this article.

Astra Pro - Nav Menu, Add Shortcode, Astra 3.0+

Using the Elementor Pro, you can use the Elementor “Product Categories” widget instead of the Shortcode widget.

Click “Publish” to save your template.

Step 5 – Now, it’s time to create a mega menu. To do this, navigate to Appearance > Menus. Expand the menu item under which you want to add a mega menu by clicking on it (we named this item “Background Image”).

Step 6 – Click on the “Astra Menu Settings” button, and tick the checkbox for the Enable mega menu option. This will create a mega menu under this item. You can also style your mega menu in this step (width, padding, etc.)

Step 7 – Next, add a new menu item (we named it “Shop by Categories”) under the mega menu and click on the “Astra Menu Settings” button.

Astra Pro - Nav Menu, Add Mega Menu Item, Astra 3,0+

Step 8 – In the Content Source dropdown menu, select the “Template” option. In the Template field, type in the name of your template and select it from the list. Click “Save” to add this template to your menu item.

Astra Pro - Nav Menu, Add Template, Astra 3,0+

And here’s how it’ll look on the front end.


We have provided Astra’s default CSS to fall back to Menu colors for all text in the template that doesn’t have color stylings assigned from the template.

So we recommend applying styles from the template as per your design needs.

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Nav Menu Module [Create a Mega Menu] Sun, 02 Sep 2018 18:30:00 +0000 Nav Menu Module [Create a Mega Menu] Read More »

The Nav Menu Addon enables you to add and create Mega Menus. Mega Menus are a type of expandable menus where different choices are displayed.
If you own a website with a lot of options and lower-level subpages, then this is the perfect option to display these at a glance.

Astra Mega Menu

Astra provides stunning features to design Mega Menu functionality with Nav Menu addon.

This is a premium feature available with the Astra Pro plugin. To use these addons, you need to have the Astra theme installed along with the Astra Pro plugin on your website.

If you want to learn more about how that’s done here’s a walk-through video made by WPBuilders.

Activate the Module

Please follow these steps to activate the Nav Menu module and explore its options – 

Step 1 – Make sure you have the Astra Pro plugin installed and activated. 

Step 2 – Activate the add on from the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Astra Options > Nav Menu

Astra Activate Nav Menu Addon

Create the Mega Menu

If you want to create a Mega Menu, you need to enable the Mega Menu functionalities for the top-level menu item whose child menu items you’d like to turn into a Mega Menu. 

Follow these steps to do just that:

Step 1 – From the WordPress dashboard navigate to Appearance > Menus.

Step 2 – Select the menu item under which you want to add a mega menu.

Step 3 – Expand this menu item and click on the “Astra Menu Settings” button

Astra Menu Settings
  • Mega Menu
    • Tick the checkbox for the Enable mega menu option. This will enable the mega menu options for all submenus of the parent menu. It provides options for the top-level/parent menu. You can set a Mega Menu width to content, menu container or full.
Enable Mega Menu Settings
  • Mega Menu width – Set the width of your mega menu here. These are available options:
    • Content – set the menu width to your content width
    • Menu Container Width – limit the width of your Primary menu 
    • Full Width – set the width of your mega menu to the width of your screen but limit your menu content to the content width.
    • Full Width Stretched – set the width of your mega menu to the full width, edge-to-edge.
    • Custom Width – set the custom width value in pixels
  • Background Color / Image
    • Background Color/ Image will be set to the mega menu box for the parent menu. You can adjust the background image with settings like Background Repeat, Background Size, and Background Position.
  • Override Colors for this mega menu?
    • You can set colors for the menu items present in the mega menu box for the parent menu. Available options are Text/Link Color, Text/Link Hover Color, Column Divider Color.
  • Highlight Labels
    • This is the text that appears beside the menu item. It highlights the menu. Labels can be Free, Sale, New, Featured, etc. You can set label text and color.
  • Advanced
    • You can set Margin and Padding for the menu items.

Step 4 – Clicking on the child menu you will show you the following options –

Astra Child Menu Option
  • Mega Menu
    • Make column heading?: Choose this if you want to make the menu item navigation label as a title for the column. So that this will appear as a title and all child menu items will appear below this heading. Note: Make sure you have enabled the Mega Menu for the Parent Menu item to see this option.
  • Menu Label
    • Hide Menu Label/Description?: If you want to hide the label or description for the submenu, select this option.
    • Disable Link: This option will remove the link for a respective menu item. It will display only the title of the menu.
  • Content Source
    • You can select Content Source for the submenu. It has the option to select from Custom Text, Template or Widget. You can display custom text/HTML with the editor, or can select any custom template/widget. If you select the Custom Template option, a list of all available posts, pages, custom templates will appear. If you select the widget option, a list of all available widgets will appear.
  • Highlight Labels
    • This is the text that appears beside the menu item. It highlights the menu. Labels can be Free, Sale, New, Featured, etc. You can set label text and color.

Similarly, you will find options for all submenu and their submenu.

How to Create Columns for the Mega Menu?

Astra will automatically create a separate column for each submenu. When you tick the option to Enable Mega Menu within the Parent menu item, it will create columns depending on the number of submenu items present under it.

For Example – If you have the following menu structure:

  • Background Image
      • Menu Item 1
      • Menu Item 2
      • Menu Item 3
      • Menu Item 4
      • Menu Item 1
      • Menu Item 2
      • Menu Item 3
      • Menu Item 4
      • Menu Item 1
      • Menu Item 2
      • Menu Item 3
      • Menu Item 4
      • Menu Item 1
      • Menu Item 2
      • Menu Item 3
      • Menu Item 4

It will display on the front end as –

Astra Mega Menu
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