White Label – Astra https://wpastra.com Fast, Lightweight & Customizable WordPress Theme for Any Website Wed, 23 Feb 2022 20:37:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.3 https://wpastra.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/favicon-astra2x.png White Label – Astra https://wpastra.com 32 32 White Label Constants to Change Strings Permanently https://wpastra.com/docs/white-label-constants-to-change-strings-permanently/ Tue, 19 Feb 2019 18:30:00 +0000 https://wpastra.com/?post_type=docs&p=30271 White Label Constants to Change Strings Permanently Read More »

We all know how to White Label Astra? It is also known that the white label settings page can be hidden from the dashboard. However, it reappears when the plugin is re-activated on the website.

We were asked whether these white label settings can be hidden permanently. Especially agencies who serve many clients would not want them to know that the plugin or theme used to build their website is a third party white labeled plugin.

Therefore, we’ve introduced a method that will allow you to White Label the Astra and hide the White Label settings – and keep them hidden, no matter what activity the user performs with the plugin or on the website. This means that you can white label the Astra permanently from the wp-config.php file and these settings will not be changed from the WordPress dashboard settings.

To achieve the above scenario we have added a White Label Constants to Astra. Along with Astra theme and Astra Pro plugin, you get contact for Astra related plugins as well.

Below is the list for the White Label Settings and their respective White Label Constants

# Astra Theme and Astra Pro Plugin

White Label Settings White Label Constants
Astra Theme Name AST_WL_ASTRA_NAME
Astra Theme Description AST_WL_ASTRA_DESCRIPTION
Astra Theme Screenshot AST_WL_ASTRA_SCREENSHOT

# Starter Templates plugin or Astra Premium Sites plugin (available with Astra Essential Bundle and Growth Bundle)

White Label Settings White Label Constants

# Lightweight Sidebar Manager Plugin

White Label Settings White Label Constants
Sidebar Manager Name AST_WL_BSF_LW_SB_NAME
Sidebar Manager Description AST_WL_BSF_LW_SB_DESCRIPTION

# Astra Hooks Plugin

White Label Settings White Label Constants
Astra Hooks Description WP_UAEL_WL

# Custom Fonts Plugin

White Label Settings White Label Constants

# Adobe Fonts (Custom Typekit Fonts)

White Label Settings White Label Constants

How to use White Label Constants?

Step 1 – Open and edit the wp-config.php file.
Step 2 –  Find the line /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ and add White Label Constants code just before this line.
Step  3 – Below is the sample code for the White Label Constants. You can update the strings as per your requirement.

define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_AGENCY_AUTHOR', 'Agency Author' );
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_AGENCY_AUTHOR_URL', 'www.your-website-url.com' );
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_AGENCY_LICENCE', 'www.your-get-licence-url.com' );
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_NAME', 'Fastest WP Theme' );
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_DESCRIPTION', 'WordPress theme' );
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_SCREENSHOT', 'www.your-theme-screenshot-url.com' );            
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_PRO_NAME', 'Pro Addon' );         
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_PRO_DESCRIPTION', 'Pro Addon extends the features of theme' );
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_SITES_NAME', 'Ready Sites' );       
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_SITES_DESCRIPTION', 'Library of Ready sites' );
define( 'AST_WL_BSF_LW_SB_NAME', 'Custom Sidebar Manager' );      
define( 'AST_WL_BSF_LW_SB_DESCRIPTION', 'Manage your Sidebar' );    
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_HOOKS_NAME', 'Hooks for theme' );           
define( 'AST_WL_ASTRA_HOOKS_DESCRIPTION', 'Use hooks to put custom code' ); 
define( 'AST_WL_BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_NAME', 'My Custom Fonts' ); 
define( 'AST_WL_BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DESCRIPTION', 'Add custom fonts' ); 
define( 'AST_WL_CUSTOM_TYPEKIT_FONTS_NAME', 'My fonts' ); 
define( 'AST_WL_CUSTOM_TYPEKIT_FONTS_DESCRIPTION', 'Add custom typekit font' ); 
How to Disable the White Label Settings Permanently? https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-disable-the-white-label-settings-permanently/ Wed, 02 Jan 2019 18:30:00 +0000 https://wpastra.com/?post_type=docs&p=30059 How to Disable the White Label Settings Permanently? Read More »

Astra Pro allows you to white label the theme as well as plugin and show it as your own. You can read our white label settings article to know more.

Normally, the white label settings can be hidden by checking the respective box on the settings page. But, if your customer deactivates & activates the plugin then those settings are visible again.

To avoid this and for adding extra security layer you can hide the White Label settings completely by declaring below constant in the wp-config.php file at the root of your WordPress installation.

define( 'WP_ASTRA_WHITE_LABEL', true );

Once this is done, the White label settings will be hidden forever.

Does White Label Feature Make Changes in the Code? https://wpastra.com/docs/does-white-label-feature-in-astra-pro-make-changes-in-the-frontend-code/ Sat, 03 Nov 2018 18:30:00 +0000 https://wpastra.com/?post_type=docs&p=29498 Does White Label Feature Make Changes in the Code? Read More »

The function of a white label in Astra is to just remove the Astra branding from the dashboard, and it does not change any code.

If we remove the mentions of Astra from the code, even WordPress will not understand that the Astra theme is being used and so it will not detect any updates we release in the future.

However, there are some plugins that take a different approach and can help you white label WordPress itself completely. Hide My WP Ghost plugin is an example of this. If you need to white label your website completely, you can consider similar plugins.

How to White Label Astra? https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-white-label-astra/ Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:30:00 +0000 https://wpastra.com/?post_type=docs&p=25247 How to White Label Astra? Read More »


This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

What is White Label branding?

White label Branding is the ability to rename and present a product or a plugin as your own. This helps you hide the actual identity of the theme and plugins used and lets you use your brand name instead.

Astra Pro comes with an option for white label branding. You can change almost every field to prove that the product is yours and you are the whole and sole developer who has worked on a website.

In order to edit the Astra Pro white label settings, you will need to click on “Astra Options” under Appearance, then click white label settings option and add all necessary details in the fields given.

Astra White Label Activation

Following is an image of how you can fill the details:

Astra White Label All Fields

Save your settings.

If you have installed Starter Templates plugin or Astra Premium Sites plugin (available with Astra Essential Bundle or Growth Bundle), you can see options for these plugins as well.

Astra White Label Starter Sites Settings

Save your settings.

If you are using the following plugins/options with Astra, you would see options to while label them as shown in above screenshot.

Later, if you wish to hide these settings from your client or anyone who would be accessing the backend of a website, you can simply opt to hide these settings by enabling the checkbox for Enable White Label as seen below.

Astra White Label Enable Setting

Save your Settings.

Note: If you wish to see these (White Label) settings again after hiding them, you can do so by reactivating (deactivate, then activate again) the plugin from the plugins page.

Want to see where this all will be displayed?

We have a few images for you to understand all the places where all your white label settings will be seen.

This is where the Astra Pro Plugin Name, Agency Author name,  Agency Author URL and the Plugin Description will be replaced.

White Label Plugin Label

The following image shows the replaced Theme name.

White Label Theme


Does White Label Feature Make Changes in the Code?

https://www.youtube.com/embed/XVXhLpCaRCg Introduction to White Label Module - Astra nonadult