Woo-commerce speed
Customizations Woo-commerce
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What Makes Astra Unique?

Astra proves you don't need to sacrifice functionality to build a quick-loading theme. Here are the WooCommerce-specific features that make Astra unique:

Infinite Scroll PRO

Dynamically load your products as a user scrolls down for a seamless product showcase experience.

Grid Settings

Display your products in a highly customizable and responsive grid layout. You get complete control over columns, button settings and more.

Off-Canvas Sidebar PRO

Filters help users find products they are looking for faster. Add helpful filters and widgets in off-canvas sidebars to improve user experience on your store.

Dedicated Sidebars

Easily spin up dedicated sidebars for pages, posts, and single product pages to boost user engagement. Customize sidebars for individual pages or apply them where they are most needed.

Quick View PRO

Let your customers preview each product in detail without needing to open a new page. It allows you to select various options to give users a better view and increase your conversion rate.

Widget Optimized

Optimizing widgets on a shop page is made easier than ever. You can drag and drop widgets like price filter, product variations and more to add them in your off-canvas sidebar.

Gallery Options PRO

Display product images in a flexible-width gallery that you can adjust vertically or horizontally. With options to open an image in a lightbox.

Dropdown Cart

Let your shoppers take a quick look at their cart from any page without a reload. The dropdown cart gives them a quick summary of the items added to their cart.

Sales Bubble Style

Capture user attention with trendy sales bubbles in which you can customize the text, the styling, shape etc. so that it grabs attention and contributes well in boosting sales.

Product Catalog

Create a meaningful product page where you can display products and decide whether you wish to show under categories and sort them by default.

Color Variations

Colors play an important role in grabbing attention, while the right ones just click! Use colors and combinations on your product page to differentiate between the title, cost and the description of a product.

Checkout Options PRO

Don't like the default one step checkout? You get plenty of options like a two-step checkout, a distraction-free checkout and many more to enhance your user's checkout experience.

A Rock-Solid Foundation For Your Store's Success​

Astra starter sites
Distraction Free Checkout

Standard Theme Features

Beyond the WooCommerce-specific features above, Astra is packed with all the features you want in any WordPress theme:
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