Advantages of WooCommerce for an online store

Case Study

Advantages of WooCommerce for an online store



The growth and popularity of sales through online stores are unstoppable. Any traditional business is (or will be) forced to have an online store or sales platform to adapt to the reality of the trend of an increasingly globalized market. It does not matter whether it is large or small companies, the need for an online store that facilitates an easy purchase process for customers is evident.

There are many platforms to create online stores and launch them, but I can affirm that one that has managed to extend the field of electronic commerce to the maximum, both in small businesses and in larger companies, is WooCommerce. In fact, the platform's market share is close to 30%, especially due to its ease of use and power, making it one of the world's most popular online sales tools.

In reality, WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, the most used content management system on the Internet, with which it has full integration. This is one of its main advantages since it makes it a free and open-source tool, constantly updated and refined by thousands of people who review that code, testing and improving it. But, in addition, there are many other advantages of WooCommerce that make it very desirable compared to its competitors. Do you know them?


Why choose WooCommerce

Easy to use



Extensible both for the content creator of the store, and for the customer, who will always find an intuitive and easy purchase process, making their experience pleasant. Your administrator's uploading products to the store is as simple as writing a blog post. The store's daily operation is so easy that little prior technical knowledge is required.

For the platform administrator, managing, modifying, and updating products is a very quick and easy process, and the compatibility with all WordPress plugins allows for almost infinite design and customization possibilities.





One of the advantages of WooCommerce is that the versatility granted by these extensions makes it possible for the online store to be converted into other formats, such as a hotel or apartment reservation manager, a platform dedicated to the sale of tickets for any event or a subscription sales platform, among other possibilities.


SEO positioning



Integration with WordPress is also an important advantage of WooCommerce in terms of positioning in the network, since it is prepared for an excellent optimization that allows SEO to be done on each product, improving the global position of the online store, something essential when it comes to making yourself known.


Responsive design



It has a responsive format, which makes it adapt perfectly to any type of mobile device or screen. This is very favorable for customers, who are provided with an easy purchase process since purchasing products is very convenient from anywhere and at any time. All this without forgetting that more and more online purchases are made from mobile devices.


Product implementation



The intuitive purchase process for the customer is increased with the possibility of including the items for sale anywhere on the web, thanks to the use of shortcodes. These allow you to implement individual star products or that you want to highlight for purchase from the same place where the customer has discovered it, without going to another to complete the process.


Payment methods



The fact that it is one of the most widely used ecommerce platforms on the Internet has facilitated the existence of extensions for the integration in the online store of the virtual POS of banks, as well as the main payment gateways existing on the network, such as Paypal, Amazon Payment, among others, that can be easily installed and configured.

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Published: 02/07/2024




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