Why is it important to have a Website for your business

Case Study

Why is it important to have a Website for your business?

Currently, there are companies that are unaware of the importance of a website for doing business. Then answering this question is anything but unnecessary, since at Zonedweb we believe that it is never too late to learn. That there is no better way to achieve good visibility than through publication within the digital community, the dissemination of knowledge, and above all, feedback with our public.


How will it help them in their business?

It is important to have a web page to make contact with customers. The internet is a means of communication par excellence where people seek information, sale and purchase of products or services every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even studies such as Open Mind BBVA have confirmed that society spends more time online than assuming roles in real life (between 60% to 70% of its time). But why in your business?

Well, because it will support the dissemination of information that you send to the market either through powerful texts or previously designed images. Although there are other digital communication channels, there is no better way to achieve good positioning and promotion within the organic results (without having to pay for them) when news about your company is published in it. This is where the importance of a web page lies.

In short, creating a web page will allow you to provide useful information about your company/products to all your customers, regardless of their geographical location. In addition, these means generate greater business opportunities and improvements in services globally. Many places have been opened since the arrival of the so-called "era of technology", with programming and Community Manager being the most outstanding to give a few examples.


Importance in society

The benefits measure the importance of a web page it brings to companies and society in general by being able to offer up-to-date and accurate information on certain topics. Not everything is perfect, and it doesn't have to be. We have the case of Amazon, which began as a page where books that the user was looking for were specified. Today it is possible to buy almost any product from a mobile device.
There are also other examples such as Facebook, which since its inception became a tool to maintain contact with friends and family around the world, breaking down physical barriers that until a few years ago were considered fanciful. Twitter was not so overshadowed either, since it went from being a social network that facilitated relationships between users to the largest source of information in real time.


Types of web pages

Contrary to what may be believed, not everything found on the internet responds to the same web page format. Its main difference does not lie in aesthetic details, how much less is that. But in the role, it will have for the company, its target audience, and the type of content that it is expected to find. While a blog serves as a virtual journal, an online commerce website focuses 100% on product sales. It is therefore important to know the four most important types:


  • Landing page. They are pages of a website that have a single purpose: to make the potential client click on a hyperlink. Therefore, they have fewer elements and only focus on the details of the offer.
  • Corporate website. They represent the functions and services offered by the company and serve as a channel for the advertisement. However, it does not focus on finalizing the sale more if payment estimates accompany it.
  • Catalog-type website. This website's main function is to show the products that are sold and have the advantage of allowing a broad description, including comparisons with other products.
  • E-Commerce. He focuses 100% on the sale of products and on closing deals with his potential clients. In addition, the website must contain all the necessary details for the purchase, including the policies and conditions.

In conclusion, having a website regardless of the type that is chosen or the function that the company performs is vital to strengthen its brand presence and strengthen ties with the target audience and new sectors that will be reached. Without physical limitations, distance will never be a problem again. It will be able to see you from the business next door to a company "X" on the other side of the world. Maximize your sales, and visibility is assured.

Project Overview

Published: 02/07/2024




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