How to sell more online in 5 simple steps

Case Study

How to sell more online in 5 simple steps

If you have already considered a product or service to sell it, and you believe that it is important and necessary for people, or that at least they will buy it and see it as interesting; But you still have the question of how to sell it online, do not worry. This article shows you 5 steps and questions with solutions to do it.

If you have already considered a product or service to sell it, and you believe that it is important and necessary for people, or that at least they will buy it and see it as interesting; But you still have the question of how to sell it online, don't worry. In this article, we show you 5 steps and questions with solutions to do it.
Each of these points works together, and none can be omitted if you want your business to be successful and know how to sell more online.


Analyze what the initial problem is and if you arouse your customers' interest.


You must be sure that your product or service arouses people's interest. For this, you must:

  • Investigate what the problems or needs people have are.
  • Talk to your clients naturally. Without using overly technical words, clients may not even understand you. Speak professionally but from person to person, to create true trust.
  • You have a few seconds to attract the attention of your customers. This very short period of time is crucial to capture their attention and arouse interest, so you have to propose a crucial strategy and, above all, fast and striking.

Having seen these first three points, you can know the initial problem because your product is not selling as it should.


See if you can connect with your customers.


From the first moment, your clients have to trust you to know that they are speaking with an expert and with someone who is telling them the truth. This connection is crucial, and to achieve it, you can work:

  • Talk about your problem.
  • Show them why your product is the solution they were looking for.
  • Show interest in solving their problem, you also care.

The customer's initial interest is aroused when they know that their salesperson is also interested in their problem and that they want or are going to solve what they are concerned about.
A close salesperson creates more trust than one who makes you feel like one or a number. This applies to both physical and online sales. If a client sends you an email or calls you with any questions, you must do "the impossible" to solve their problem, even call them later to see if they are satisfied with the solution.


Do you make offers?


You've already attracted the interest of the right people and made a connection with them - it's time to make an offer.
The offer is not necessarily based on encouraging people to buy your product (which would be the same), but also on inviting them to do something. In an online store, Internet users could be invited to subscribe to your newsletter or to be followers of your profiles on social networks.
After this first step, you should encourage the continuous participation of your followers, since this will finally lead to a sale.
There is a really more important point: the purchase has to be easy, and the call to action has to be clear since clicking on your ad can mean that the potential customer buys from you or does not visit you again.
Note: Then follow these three steps will allow you to sell more online:

  • Make an offer that is appropriate to the level of trust that you have created.
  • Build more trust and commitment.
  • Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you sell something.


Make Internet users stop at your online store


Continuing with the previous point, and following the order, the next action is to make Internet users or followers stop observing your online store.

In order to sell more online, potential customers must see your catalogue, your offers, be attracted to those you sell, captivate them with the price and service, etc., is the best way to increase your income.


Get new customers


Finally, you must attract new customers, since you cannot depend solely on a few loyal customers.
To do this, you must get references from other companies and from your clients. To do this, you should:

  • Ask people to share your messages from social networks and blogs, as well as the link to your store.
  • Make your customers testify to the experience of their purchase in your online store.
  • Join an affiliate program.
  • Find out what your potential customers want, through social networks or by searching Google Adwords for the most searched keywords.
  • Find out how to build trust by offering expertise and solutions to potential customers' needs and problems.
  • Get more things to sell. Find more related companies that you could do business with and distribute to sell more customers.

Project Overview

Published: 27/07/2024




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