See how to create a website to boost your business

Case Study

See how to create a website to boost your business


see how to create a website to boost your business


A company's website is its online business card and can even impact its sales. That's because, when a potential customer accesses your site, and it doesn't work the way it should, the chances of that person giving up browsing it or making a purchase are high.

Therefore, when creating a website for your company, you need to consider these factors. Here are fundamental tips to understand how to create a professional website.

Types of business websites



Before creating your website, you need to decide what type of business website it will be. To better understand, learn about the options:




E-commerce is a sales site, a platform that allows your customers to buy your products online. This type of site is increasingly popular as it offers convenience for people to shop without leaving their homes.

However, it is very important to know how to create an effective sales site so that it works smoothly. Slow pages, which give problems when finalizing the purchase or showing the products, can negatively impact the company's image and, consequently, its sales.

Institutional website



A company's institutional website presents the company's history, values, and culture. It is where customers can view important information such as contact numbers and addresses and learn more about the founders.

Having an institutional website makes it easier for your company to be found on search engines such as Google, conveys credibility, and is a chance to show a positive image of the organization.




Another business website template is the corporate blog, where you can create relevant content for your audience and thus attract more customers. It is also an efficient way to be found more easily in search engines and create a credible relationship with potential customers.

Your company can deliver much more value to the customer through knowledge and valuable tips through rich content. Blogs can be very useful to present your services or products in a more indirect way and talk about how they apply to your client's daily life.

Is it possible to create a free website?



A very common question for companies is "how much does it cost to create a website ?". If your budget is limited and you just want to create a simple website, you can use free platforms like WordPress or Blogspot.

In the case of WordPress, it is an open source platform, that is, it is possible to configure and customize your business website as you see fit. However, the tip is to hire a specialized developer or designer so that the site is developed with quality.

Remember that even when creating a free website, it is essential that it works without usability problems. That's why it's very important to keep a tech professional focused on keeping it running smoothly.

Creating a website from scratch: precious tips



If you're creating a website from scratch, regardless of what type, it's important to follow some basic tips:

Set goals



Your website needs to have a purpose: to present your business, attract more customers, or sell your products. Before creating the website, it is necessary to define these goals, so that its functionalities meet the purposes.

Depending on the purpose, the site will have different types of resources, as in the case of an e-commerce, which needs to have secure payment features, description of items for sale, good quality photos, among others.

Create a relevant domain



"Domain" is nothing more than the name of your website, also called a URL. A website's domain is very important for the right people to find it. You can register your domain in companies like Godaddy or HostGator.

Usually, an annual fee is charged to keep your domain up and running, but this is usually not a high fee. Also, it is important to choose a domain that contains your company name and is not too long or complex to type.

Hire a hosting service



Another important step is to hire a hosting service to keep your company's website up and running. You can find both paid and free services. However, the paid versions are generally more stable and offer faster site navigation.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account whether the activities carried out within your website will require a more powerful server or not. For example, on shopping sites, where the customer spends more time, and many people access it simultaneously, the hosting service must be very good to ensure that it works properly.


Project Overview

Client: Zonedweb

Published: 05/12/2021




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