How to Change the Destination URL for Website Logo?

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How to Change the Destination URL for Website Logo?

By default, clicking on the website logo directs the user to the front/home page. In case, you need to change the destination for the logo use the following custom code.

For users with the Astra theme version below 3.0.0

add_action('astra_masthead', 'astra_logo_change_url');

function astra_logo_change_url(){
remove_action( 'astra_masthead_content', 'astra_site_branding_markup', 8 );
add_filter( 'home_url', 'astra_logo_custom_url' );
add_action( 'astra_masthead_content', 'astra_site_branding_markup', 8 );

function astra_logo_custom_url( $url ) {
return '';
function astra_remove_logo_custom_url(){
remove_filter( 'home_url', 'astra_logo_custom_url' );

For new Users with the Astra theme version 3.0.0 and above, using the Header Footer Builder —

add_action('astra_masthead', 'astra_logo_change_url');
add_action('astra_mobile_header_bar_top', 'astra_logo_change_url');
function astra_logo_change_url(){
	remove_action( 'astra_masthead_content', 'astra_site_branding_markup', 8 );
	add_filter( 'home_url', 'astra_logo_custom_url' );
	add_action( 'astra_masthead_content', 'astra_site_branding_markup', 8 );
function astra_logo_custom_url( $url ) {
	return '';
function astra_remove_logo_custom_url( $html ){
	remove_filter( 'home_url', 'astra_logo_custom_url' );
	return $html;

If your Astra theme version is 3.0.0. or above, but you are still using the old Astra header and footer options, please use the code for the older theme versions.


Paste the code to the child theme’s functions.php file.

Make sure you replace the test URL ( with your destination URL in the above code.

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